Megan Okada, a graduate student in the Sigala lab, uses her talents and scientific knowledge to create for Biochemistry a new banner. Read more about Megan's passion for art and...
Congratulations to PhD student Shai-Anne Nalder in Paul Sigala's lab, who received the prestigious National Science Foundation Award from the Graduate Research Fellowship Program!
Helen Donelick, a graduate student in the Bass Lab, receives multiple awards and is appointed program chair for the MSA student council. Helen Donelick receives multiple awards and is appointed...
Lara Rheinemann had two of her thesis research papers accepted this summer; a Cell paper on the enveloped virus restriction factor RetroCHMP3, together with a team that included Nels Elde...
Congratulations to undergraduate Celine Slam (Sigala Lab) who was awarded a 2021 U.S. Fulbright Scholarship to study malaria transmission at the Centre Pasteur in Cameroon!
Congratulations to Megan Okada (Sigala Lab), who won first place in the Immunology, Inflammation, & Infectious Disease (3i) Initiative's Annual Symposium Art Contest. Her 'Braided Helix' won both the popular...
Some of our trainees have started a well-being program with a mission is to promote mental health and wellness awareness. They have planned various events and activities, information for which...
Raushan Singh's paper, "Transient kinetic studies of the antiviral Drosophila Dicer-2 reveal roles of ATP in self•nonself discrimination", has been accepted for publication in eLife. Raushan is the first author...